Monday, November 22, 2010

Book Cover

The book I chose to work with is An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears. It's told by four narrators who are all telling about a murder, trial, and execution in which they were all involved. Since the murder happened in England in the early 1660's, I wanted the cover to be reminicent of the books of the time: leatherbound with the decorations and title embossed in gold. I want it to look like something you might find in your great grandparent's attic, something with a weight of history behind it.
Since I'm going for that Old World antique book feel, I thought I'd put some sort of decoration on the front. Starting there, I drew a few different decorations that could go on the front. Eventually though, I decided on designing a celtic knot to go on the front cover. I think this is appropriate for the spirit of the book in because of the way all the narrator's stories work together. They twist in and out of each other, and still manage to leave you with no real answer to the question at hand (Who is the real murder?).

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